3 Tips to get the most out of Noah U - Noah University

3 Tips to get the most out of Noah U

Noah U Family,

I wanted to encourage you this week with a couple of tips to help maximize our time together. These are some practices that have helped me focus over the years. Here are three techniques I use as I listen to content from my mentors. Some of you may be doing well at creating time each week to focus with the content and that is awesome. If you are struggling to carve out time for the content, take a look at these tips and see what could work for you.

1. Listen to video and conference calls on audio: When I go for a run, walk, or drive, I listen to books on my phone through iTunes. You can replay and listen to the content over and over while doing something else such as driving or exercising. Exercising is one of my favorite “me” times because it allows me some non-distracted time to listen to my mentors. It is using time wisely.

2. Save the Noah U login page on your home screen of your phone: The easiest way to access the content is to make it easily accessible. Pull out your phone. When you are at the access page of Noah U, hit the button on your screen to “add to home screen.” Then, you can have your log in information saved and access the content. This creates a button on your home screen. Just like a Noah U App button!

3. Book a date with yourself daily/weekly: The greatest tip for me was using my exercise time as the time to get the content in. Don’t exercise? I suggest just walking. Getting out for intentional time to play the content is life changing, and you get yourself away from the normal routine. A great walk is an awesome way to clear your head get a change of scenery while getting good content in. This time for me has been what kicked my productivity into high gear. I didn’t have to find time to read because my exercise time was my reading, and it became one of my favorite times of the day. Now, getting out of the house was “going to read” not “going to work out.” I don’t read books and watch videos; I listen to them. This changed my life mentally, spiritually, and physically.

Note: Relieve yourself from the obligation of watching or listening to every module the moment it is released. This way of thinking is negative and demotivating. I designed Noah U to be online so you didn’t have to go to classroom, book a flight, or check in online at a specific time. This content is yours when you are ready and most comfortable. However, if you want to see change and action, then I suggest carving out intentional time to get it in. Wishful thinking doesn’t make dreams happen. Action makes change happen.

Experiment: This week, when you would normally sit down to watch TV at night, take 30 minutes to go on a walk then come back for TV time. Use the 30 minutes as “me” time to pour good info into yourself. You can replenish and end your day with positive mind sharpening words and info. Who knows, you might get caught up and forget about TV altogether! Wow, it’s crazy how new actions create new behaviors.

This next month is the nuts and bolts of social media and how I built my company. I share the techniques my team and I use to execute successful products based on story. I will be sending some extra content as well as a bonus. This is going to rock your thinking so get ready for a drink off the fire hose.

I’m incredibly excited for your growth, learning and application!

Leave a comment on the blog or private Facebook page. This lets us know we are hitting the target, and the info is resonating with you all.

You’re not alone, have fun and lean into change!


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