Module #4: Beginning with the End in Mind - Blueprint - Noah University

Module #4: Beginning with the End in Mind – Blueprint

The End.

Every movie, fairytale, story, and life comes to the end– many times with those words. Movies are pretty predictable in that somewhere between 90 and 120 minutes we know they are going to roll the credits. Life is not. We have no idea when our days will end. But one day they will.

Pete Wilson puts it this way, “We don’t get to choose how we die, but we do get to choose how we live.” That is such a relief for me. It helps me focus on what I can control. The things that you can’t control will quickly derail you from your mission. Death is not something we can avoid. But settling for anything less than the life we are meant to live is. Writing the story you are going to tell with your life before the end of it is such an epic win.

Beginning with the end in mind is not a new idea. It started with Steven Covey. We are just asking you to apply this to your whole life. For me, it’s like cheating the system. Sadly, many people are not taking advantage. They are just setting for the end that is expected of them or the end that others, even society, have suggested.

As we continue storyboarding our life this month, I want you to begin to look forward. Looking forward allows you to write your own story along the way. You are able to set your own milestones and find places where you can look back and gauge the progress you are making. You are a step ahead by hacking your life! You are skipping to the last chapter, writing that, and then rewriting the rest because you know how you want it to end.

We are going to keep this month’s assignment pretty short, because it’s not simple. Hopefully, there were moments last month that were simple and I am sure there were places that were big stumpers. A lot of what you did was identify what others say you do, or even who are.

So here you go! Fast forward to the end and get started!


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