Module #12: Finding Inspiration & Staying Creative - Blueprint - Noah University

Module #12: Finding Inspiration & Staying Creative – Blueprint

How do we stay inspired? By filling our own cup. As creatives, we are in a constant state of an outpouring of our soul. We place our soul onto life’s stage for everyone to see. Then we go back to the easel, the blog, the rehearsal studio, or kitchen to dream up our next creation. If we fail to throw wood on our own fire, the passion and inspiration run out. We go dry. We get “blocked.”

I wanted to share with you my technique for being and staying inspired.


1. I take myself on dates to replenish. This simple act automatically makes me feel inspired because I’ve been intentional with the child in me and my heart. This is the birthing of our creativity. Make contact with that child within, and he or she will tell you which sandbox he wants to play in.

2. I take myself to places where I get inspired. For example, I’ll plan my date and put it on the calendar. I’ll know the night before that I am taking myself to a special coffee shop or safe place to write in my journal or sketch.

3. Music and movies. There are songs and movies that literally move me to tears. These are the ones to watch. If it gives me goose bumps and moves me to tears, then I know I’m hitting gold. Tears are a byproduct of your heart’s yearning. When this happens, I ask myself why this hits me so much. I then ask more questions to my heart. What do you need? Why is this moving you? What images, songs, ideas do you see?

4. Driving: I usually will buy my vehicles based on the sound system. No joke. It’s one of the main safe places for my heart to get lit up. Its private, safe, the outside world can’t get to me. I have some music to inspire you on this post, but it’s all about being intentional with your time. Some of the greatest inspirational moments in my life come out my drives from the bay area to Orange County. I call this time “the chamber.”

5. Learning: As you read these words, your heart might be lighting up because I’m giving you permission. I personally believe God puts people in my life, both ones I know and don’t know, to inspire. If I’m going on a run in the morning or take a drive, I listen to audio books. They light me up. I get permission, sharpening, and I grow. This FIRES ME UP!

4. Quiet Time and solitude. After 27 years of doing creativity, I am convinced it’s a divine act. Inspiration is the Creator creating through me. I’m a vessel. My works, acts, and actions are a payback to Him. Not selfish. It’s not about me coming up with ideas. They already exist. I just need to be awake and paying attention. It’s hard for me to hear the frequency and voice of God if I’m really busy and life gets noisy. Retreating to a quiet place allows my soul to open up. I do this in the early morning before the rest of the world is awake. I normally light a candle and stop everything. I sit quietly with a warm cup of coffee or tea. No music; just silence for usually 30-45 minutes. It’s amazing when you stop thinking. You open your soul to hear what God has planned. I’ve received more ideas for stories here than any other time. I grab my journal and jot down what was sent to me. I believe God is the director, and I’m the producer. I’ve tried to fit in His chair, but learned it’s too big to fill. Therefore, I stay out. I pay attention to execution and filing all the ideas. If you don’t hear anything, just wait. All that matters is the quiet time of solitude. Let your heart heal and light up. It tells me what to do every time. This discipline is one of my favorite things in my life. Sometime I take it a step further. This sounds a little out of the box, but sometimes people want to go to a spa. When I feel like that, I simply draw a bath and pour essential oils into the water like eucalyptus and peppermint. I turn on a Spotify playlist and relax for a good hour meditating by candlelight. It really blows my mind what gets downloaded to me in these sessions. I keep a notepad near or my phone (watch the water) to record my ideas. They flood in like a river.

5. Buy a small thing to remind you of your date. Bring it to your studio or creative space. It’s a great reminder of you loving yourself and your craft. I personally look at it as a gift my Papa God gave me when He took me out for the day. I do this at every Comic Con. I stop the show business and take myself around to buy whatever I want. It’s a reminder of the grind, the people, the season of life, and the love God has for me. I also do this for my kids. Why should it stop for my own heart?

Beliefs and Truths

1. Remember: Inspiration is created. If you make it a priority to seek it out with the above steps, it yields a massive return.

2. Don’t wait for inspiration. Go seek it.

3. Inspiration requires planning.

4. There’s nothing wrong with me if I don’t feel inspired. Get in situations out of your norm. Walk into the magazine section of a bookstore. Go to a gallery with a subject you’re not used to.

5. Get around others that have what you want.

I use Spotify to manage all my music. I’ve shared my playlist that you can have.

Musical inspirations to get you in the mood and thinking:

Noah Inspiration

I am so grateful to walk this life with you. The coming months contain what I believe to be some of the most powerful strategies to building your products, brand, and online story. The best is yet to come and I’m FIRED UP to live on purpose with you!!!!!


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