Meet Noah Elias

Month #2 Conference Call Replay

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Challenge: One Word Three Sixty Five

Forget New Year’s Resolutions. Scrap that long list of goals you won’t remember three weeks from now anyway. Choose just…

Module #3: The Brand of You

I’m so glad you’re here. Please leave a comment below the video post. It leaves hope for others. Remember, sharing…

Module #3: The Brand of You – Blueprint

What you are holding in your hands is a process that we have seen work with creatives just starting out,…

Behind the Curtain Interview with Leigh Holt

I’m so glad you’re here. Please leave a comment below the video post. It leaves hope for others. Remember, sharing…

Month #3 Conference Call Replay

Please leave your comments below.

Bonus: A Conversation with Terry & Noah about Evernote

If you haven’t signed up for Evernote you can do that here Noah and I wanted to share with you how…

Bonus Content: The Brand of You | More with J. Scott Campbell

Even if you are not trying to sell “art” I think that it’s full of amazing nuggets. We are grateful…

Module #4: Beginning with the end in mind

My life changed the moment I learned this concept. I had to ask myself, “What do I want my tombstone…

Module #4: Beginning with the End in Mind – Blueprint

The End. Every movie, fairytale, story, and life comes to the end– many times with those words. Movies are pretty…