Bonus: Members Only - Noah University

Bonus: Members Only

No, I’m not giving you a members only jacket from the 80’s. Although, that would be pretty cool: A Noah U Members Only Jacket.

Actually, I was riding on the plane, coming home from an extensive trip, doing an event out of the country. I thought about each of you: You each are here because you want change. You want “more” out of your gifts, your efforts, your time while here on earth.

Hopefully by now you are drilling down into the questions I gave you when you signed up. These are great questions to uncork the topic of story and your why.

While flying at 47,000 feet, I thought of another question that might really impact you. Here it is:

“What are you willing to lose in order to do exactly what you’ve dreamt of your whole life?”

In other words, would you be willing to stand on a street and beg for food and money if it meant you could do what you love? If you let go of traditional thinking, you will empower yourself to take new risk, new change, say no to bad habits, and take on new habits. You’ll begin to structure a life that protects your creativity. You’ll get really upset when you’re interrupted by outside interruptions.

It’s like this: You’ll start to taste “freedom.” Freedom to make art, music, business, and action. For the first time, you’ll do things on “your terms,” not someone else’s critique. You won’t care what people think.

How does that sound? Crazy? Good!!! Noah U might be the first time in your life that someone has come along side you and said, “Go for it! Go play in the sandbox and surprise us! Have fun!!”


I’ve never heard those words. In business, in art class, in parenting, or life.

Well, it’s a new day! I created Noah U to provide the world with permission. To dream bigger than you can imagine, to take embarrassing risks that end in beautiful failure, to live as much outside of your comfort zone as possible. As one of my favorite quotes, from Steven Furtick says:

“If your dreams don’t intimidate you, then they most likely are insulting to God.”

So back to the question:

“What are you willing to lose in order to do exactly what you’ve dreamt of your whole life?”

Are you willing to draw a line in the sand and welcome change? Will you stand at the ledge and ponder the great unknown or will you jump into it? Or, will you walk back down the mountain and wonder your whole life “what if?” There’s nothing more nagging and haunting on the soul than unanswered dreams, unfulfilled adventures, and ideas never carried out.

Grab your armor: Your friends, family, spouses and peers are going to see you talking differently, acting differently, creating differently. Why? Because you’ve jumped into the unknown. Into wonder. Into newness. You have what it takes. Now jump! We are all on the ledge with you. We want to see what you’ve always wanted to do. The world is waiting to see something different. Something new. They want to follow those that risk. Or, we go back down the mountain, follow the pack, and become the status quo.

We do a huge disservice to God and our fellow man if we don’t reveal and live out our “true self.”

So back to the question again: To live out your freedom will come at a cost. We will lose the comfortable little security blankets we make for ourselves. Blankets that look and sound like:

•It won’t make money
•People won’t care
•I’m not good enough
•Others are better
•Someone already did this
•I’m not ready
•I don’t have enough money
•People won’t buy it

These negative thoughts are the perfectly little wrapped blankets we tell ourselves to stay out of change. We avoid risk. We avoid being out of our comfort zone. One of the best examples is staying in a career we hate because we feel we will lose money. If we lose money it means less of a lifestyle. Less money means our family won’t be happy. To our culture and the world, it means we “failed.” I disagree. I believe it’s the opposite. It’s when we have nothing, we are truly free.

I didn’t have a place to live until I was 30. I mean like a house or condo. I lived above my art studio in a warehouse. I wanted my dream more than a cush and comfortable place to live. I sacrificed it all to create things on my terms. It was awesome. Those were some of the greatest days of my life.

Here’s how I still answer the question: I am willing to downsize my life, my time, what I drive, what I wear, what I do in order to build my dreams. It’s that simple. I work to avoid things that will rob me of my dreams. Be careful. The world advertises the opposite so much, but it can be a subtle. The world can rob you of your dreams.

What is your answer to the question? Please go to the blog and write what comes to mind. Leave a comment on this post. Let’s get some dialog going and learn from each other..

Blessings to each one of you. I couldn’t be more excited!!!


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