Module #18: Planning VIP Events and Experiences - Blueprint - Noah University

Module #18: Planning VIP Events and Experiences – Blueprint

Checklist and questions for how to get the most out of your events and pop up shops

The Goal and Objective: We depend on our website, galleries and trade shows to determine the opportunities with sales. Little do we realize that sales are there if we “create opportunities”. We need to put our creative cap on. This strategy has hands down been one of the biggest values of our life. I worked hard for a few months preparing for the show and yielded a massive return.

I cannot claim what you will make but I can tell you that even if you price your stuff reasonable to try this concept it could be huge. The key is to be intentional with your guests. This isn’t come one come all. This is letting guests know there is limited space, there is an expectation to buy and that their is financing. When they accept to rsvp they know what to expect and so do you.

Venue: Look at holding the venue at a place that aligns with your vision and strategy of your clients. Holding it at your own gallery or home always lets the guests see your life more closely in a good way. Consider these options:

•Place of business
•Private room of a nice restaurant

Invites: Make sure that you email, text and get a verbal commitment for your guests. Here is a sample of the invite I text to my collectors. This can be used for private chef events and pop up shops that are private to a select group.

Hey there! I wanted to see if you are available for private VIP event with Chantel and I for dinner at Napa Rose as I unveil my new works Nov. 9th. The event includes dinner and hotel room at The Grand California for and evening celebrating art, food and storytelling. Would you be available to attend?

I will be releasing my new Kid in Me originals and special limited edition prints.

The offering this evening is a private dinner with Chantel and I at one of Orange County’s finest restaurants. (It’s also one Chantel and I’s favorites). You will be the first to view and have the opportunity to add these pieces to your collection. I will be giving an intimate behind the scenes storytelling of each piece and why I created each piece. There will also be some bonus offerings that he public will never have access to.

This evening you’re our guest. It is my hope that you, along with very select few we have invited, will take this chance to have an experience with us that will be an incredible memory. We also have some surprises and goodies in store.

We are confirming our list of guests who will be attending. Please just email me back and confirm that you are available. We should have final details soon and you will be receiving a formal invite via email.

Because of you, your support has allowed us to grow and impact the lives we connect with through art and storytelling. Thank you!!

Please let me know your availability.

Presentation: When in doubt, RENT your fixtures and lighting. Or, see if another person in your industry has fixtures to help you short term that you can borrow. Always light your product and show that you take it seriously.

Product: Remember to begin with the end in mind. How much would you like to make for this event? Consider how much it will cost you to put on the event as well as costs for your product. Remember to offer at least three tiers of pricing: Low, medium and high.

Financing: Providing the option for guests to do in house financing always helps make it easier. Guests can put 20% down and finance the rest over the year. This helps them still acquire the product while not breaking their pocket book.

Make it personal: Try in every way possible to make the product the stories of the people coming. It blesses them with a personal experience and also helps provide you with the stories to create.

The ask: After I provided the storytelling I verbally provided the details of what it would cost to acquire the product. In my case selling art, I explained that they could buy the art that night if they paid in full for one price. If they paid 20% down they would tack another 10% onto the total cost. I then created 10 limited edition prints that were a few thousand each. This allows guests that could afford and original to buy a print. Financing was available for these too. After I provide the costs, the guests relaxed with wine and cigars outside as they looked at art.

Payments: During the event we carried a square account around on our founds. There was four team members that ran cards for the payments and they were deposited straight into our account. This is super easy and looks elegant when you aren’t writing it on pieces of paper. You also collect the guests info such as dress and shipping details.

Things to remember: Make to sure factor in resort fee’s and taxes when dealing with hotels. Make sure to remember shipping costs.


Where, right now could I throw an event that would allow me to express my talent?

How much could I make if everyone booked? $20,000? $50,000? Less? More?

How can I minimize risk even if only a few people come?

How many time a year can I do this to underwrite our home life and fuel new dreams?

What is stopping me from doing this? What are my biggest fears and obstacles?

Note: By doing this event you create healthy deadlines. What is my event date?

What is worst case scenario?

What goals would you like to achieve as a result of this event? Pay off debt? Take a vacation? Give to charity? Finance a new dream?

I look forward to hearing your ideas and when your events are! Please post them on the Facebook group and let me know when your event is!! What if you made a significant amount of money, impact and connection?

Glad you’re here!


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