Blueprints - Noah University


Module #11: Creating Ideas that Spread – Blueprint

Push marketing vs. Give marketing Marketing has changed. Those that want to stand out in a crowd of a noisy…

Module #12: Finding Inspiration & Staying Creative – Blueprint

How do we stay inspired? By filling our own cup. As creatives, we are in a constant state of an…

Module #13: Vision, Mission, and Passion – Blueprint

Vision: Having the clarity to know just where you want to go. Andy Stanley puts it this way. “Vision is…

Module #14: Pro vs Amateur – Blueprint

For years, I didn’t take myself or my craft seriously. I didn’t think I was good enough. Then, I thought…

Module #15: The Art of Effective Blogging – Blueprint

One of the greatest ways to connect with our audience is through storytelling of ourselves. No matter where you are…

Module #16: Fitting your work around your life – Blueprint

This module is paramount in mastering your time and talent. We fill our life with work that eats up time…

Module #18: Planning VIP Events and Experiences – Blueprint

Checklist and questions for how to get the most out of your events and pop up shops The Goal and…

Module #19: Blueprint – First Things First | Relationships, Your Home, & Your Platform

The most important asset that you have in your life is your relationships. Some people want to be on an…

Module #20: The Art of Negotiation | Pricing & The Big Deal – Blueprint

Negotiation is a powerful tool when building your brand and growing your business. I remember that I left a lot…

Module #21: Blueprint – “How to become a professional giver.” Success vs. Significance

If we are going to lead our life with the goal of being significant rather than just successful it requires…